Greetings and hello dear students and followers!
This is an introduction post describing what this blog is about.
This blog is an ESL blog. There are many ESL blogs out there and this blog is just like any other ESL blogs out there. This blog focuses on literature and everything about literature. Specifically, this blog revolves around the Malaysian English literature components. Everything posted in this blog is associated with the syllabus of the Malaysian English literature components for secondary schools.
This blog is moderated by me. All the posts and contents in this blog will be from me. My name is Valentina. (You can know more about me, the author, by clicking the "About Me" tab.) In short, for now, I am a final year TESL students minoring in Literature and I finally graduate I will be an English teacher.
This blog is designed for Malaysian secondary school students who are required to study the English literature components.
This blogs is designed with the hope that it would help secondary school students in learning the literature components assigned to them. It is also designed as an alternative way to learn the literature components other than inside the classroom.
This blog helps students learn by posting any posts related to literature ranging from explanations, exercises, regarding the literature components. Students can learn by reading on the posts and doing the exercises. They can also interact with me and other students by posting comments, questions, sharing of ideas in the comments tab under every post. Students can also interact with me through email.
This blog is currently up and running now and posts will be updated from time to time.
Everything will be posted here and students can respond to posts or exercises in the comments tab under every post or directly via email.
I will also interact with students via email or by responding to students' comments.
Hopefully everything about this blog is explained clearly in this post.
Any questions can be posted by commenting or via email to